Eight-elevenths is between Seven-elevenths and Ten-elevenths.
Two-elevenths is less than Three-elevenths.
There are 10 unnumbered points between 0 and 1. Since from 0 to 1 there would be 11 points, This means that each of the point is separated by one-elevenths. The first point is one-eleventh, the second point is two-eleventh and so on. The tenth point is ten-eleventh.
i) Since The first point is one-eleventh, the smallest value plotted on the number line is one-eleventh.
ii) Between Seven-elevenths and Ten-elevenths is eight-elevenths and nine-elevenths. Therefore Eight-elevenths is between Seven-elevenths and Ten-elevenths.
iii) Five-elevenths is less than Seven-elevenths becomes Five-elevenths comes before Seven-elevenths on the number line.
iv) Ten-elevenths is not equal to 1 whole
v) Two-elevenths is less than Three-elevenths because Two-elevenths comes before Three-elevenths on the number line.