Without cafeteria plan Karen taxable income is 2250 dollars and with cafeteria plan the taxable income is $2135.
Without cafeteria plan Katie taxable income is 2075 dollars and with cafeteria plan the taxable income is $1960.
A married women Karen earns = $2250
Katie single women earn = $2075
Employee contribution to health care = $115
If the Karen decline to participate in the cafeteria then her taxable income is $2250 (wages).
If the Karen accept to participate in the cafeteria then her taxable income is $2250 - $115 (contribution) = $2135
If Katie declined to participate in the cafeteria then her taxable income is $2075 (wages).
If Katie accept to participate in the cafeteria then her taxable income is $2075 - $115 (contribution) = $1960