
List and describe some major changes that were brought about by the Muslims in the social and cultural traditions of the subcontinent. Use the resources available in your home or the internet to find details about those changes. Furthermore, elaborate on one change that was the most lasting/permanent and can still be seen around even today.

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Some major changes that were brought about by the Muslims in the social and cultural traditions of the subcontinent are:

1. Slavery: prior to Islam in among the Arabs, the idea of slavery is totally different, where by slaves has no legal status, and can be treated the way the owner likes. However, Islam brought the idea that, slaves should be treated kindly and justly, while also having a legal status and rights to the slave owner.

2. Marriage: prior to Islam among the Arabs, men are allowed to marry as much as they want, however, Islam limits the number of wives a man can marry to four.

3. Children: Islam among Arab, stopped the idea that children are Properties of their fathers like. Unlike before the advent of Islam, where it is assumed that children are Properties of their father.

4. Reduction on the effect of blood fued: in the pre-islamic period, whenever there is strong disputes or criminal offense, the aggrieved party often demand for death of either the culprit or any of his or her relatives. However, with the Islam, this practice is less adopted, but rather money is used as compensation, and only in rare occasion, the culprit only is executed.

Hence, one change that was the most lasting/permanent and can still be seen around even today is: Marriage.

Marriage: in the pre-islamic period, men have the opportunity to marry as many as they so wish among the Arabs, however, since the formation of Islam, men can only marry maximum of four wives, among the Muslims. This practice is still in practice today, and it is very common.