Q 2. You mention to one of your neighbours that you have studied how to build good and beneficial relationships using some simple methods (The emotional Bank Account). Your neighbour says that their son, a 9th class student, does not listen to the parents or siblings. He is only interested in playing around and does not care about his studies. Your neighbour requests you to tutor their son and transform him into a well-behaved teenager. How will you go about the task of changing this young man and, perhaps, the parents too?

Q 3. How do you carry out your “Daily Private Victory”? List at least 6 activities. How much time do they take? What activities are excluded from the Daily Private Victory?

Respuesta :


Q 2. First, it would be necessary to listen to the boy's parents and listen to the boy's explanations of why he is acting this way. Once I knew both sides of the story, I could better assess the situation and establish a dialogue between parents and children so that both could speak their complaints and talk about how they can change this situation.

Q 3. My daily private victory is carried out with the following activities: 1. Organizing my day's tasks so that I know exactly what I should do, 2. Do not put off my obligations and do them at the right times, 3. Remember to put moments of rest in order not to be overwhelmed, 4. Only start an activity when I finish the one that has already started, 5. Do not compare the quality of my activities with the quality of other people's activities, 6. Be kind to my limitations. The time that these activities take to complete is very relative and I don't care about it, but I do care about performing my duties efficiently so that I can feel the sense of victory. The activities that are excluded from the daily private victory are those that prohibit an individual from being proactive, cause the individual to start acting without having a goal as the desired end and activities that disorganize and do not establish what must be done first.


In the case shown in Q 2. it shows a situation that must be evaluated carefully and must take into account how the parents and the boy feel and what makes them act the way they do. Only communication between them can resolve this situation. It is important for the boy to explain why he is acting this way, how important it is for his parents to listen to him without judgment and for everyone to accept and try to change his mistakes.

Q 3. talks about “Daily Private Victory”, which are victories that bring personal satisfaction to an individual. This satisfaction need not be resilient to great things, but small situations that happen in the individual's life and allow him to be satisfied with himself and the environment around him.