You happened to attend a workshop on- Loss of animal habitat recently conducted by the School Science Club. Draft a letter to your friend in Oman detailing him the different aspects of the topic.

Respuesta :

Dear Oman,

it is a pity that you have not been able to attend the Workshop promoted by the School Science Club on the Loss of Animal Habitat. I am sure that those exposed at the event would bring you a lot of knowledge and clarify some points about how we, human beings, impact nature.

The event focused on how society has contributed to the ecological imbalance that has caused the lack of animal habitat, which results in a decrease in the planet's biodiversity, as it promotes the death and extinction of various animals and plants in our ecosystem. The main responsible for this are the large industries, which explore nature without any responsibility, causing deforestation of huge areas that were responsible for housing animals of different species.

As a result, animals are left homeless and totally exposed to their predators, to hunters and end up dying, due to exposure or hunger, since deforestation ends up removing their sources of food. These animals can even end up invading urban areas and causing severe accidents that harm them and humans.

Based on this, I believe that you, like me, were distressed and reprized our role in the world. I propose that we hold a meeting to discuss ways that we can establish to reduce this problem so cruel that plagues our fauna. I count on your answer.

