The face of the water, in time, became a wonderful book — a book that was a dead language to the uneducated passenger, but which told its mind to me without reserve, delivering its most cherished secrets as clearly as if it uttered them with a voice. And it was not a book to be read once and thrown aside, for it had a new story to tell every day.
—Life on the Mississippi,
Mark Twain

What main idea does this passage convey about the river?
A - The river is meaningless to most people
B - The river is wonderfully different each day
C - The river protects its secrets
D - It is easy to get to know the river

Respuesta :


the river is wonderfully different each day.


This passage's main idea about the river is wonderfully different each day. American author Robert Silverberg wrote the science fiction book The Face of the Waters, which was first released in 1991.

That is Option B is correct.

What does the face of the water Plot entail?

Deep in the future, in a penal colony populated by ex-convicts and their descendants, is where The Face of the Waters is set. The planet is called Hydros, an ocean world where people reside on made-up floating islands.

The human inhabitants of the island of Sorve have been told to evacuate following a human transgression against the Hydros indigenous. They search for the semi-mythical island of the Face of the Waters in a flotilla of ships because they are forbidden on all other islands.

They are compelled to discover more about themselves during their adventure, which raises issues of religion and the meaning of life. Robert Silverberg discusses what it means to be a human towards the book's conclusion.

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