Respuesta :


I hope this will help you:)


Autotrophic organisms are found in kingdom planted

Heterotrophic organisms are found in kingdom animalia

Kingdom monerans has some organisms like Cyanobacteria that can carry out photosynthesis so they are autotrophswhile the other main category of monerans is not capable of photosynthesis so are heterotrophs so this kingdom includes both o gains s

Kingdom protist are heterotrophs and autotrophs because some can prepare food while others cannot

Kingdom fungi has some organisms that can carry out photosynthesis like algae

while other are heterotrophs



de kingdoms where de aiutotrophs nd heterophic belong is known to be bacteria..there is also kingdoms where in dey r also autotrhoic nd dis is plantae kingdom also dere r kingdom there r only hetetrpohs nd these r animalia nd fungai