One result of the Age of Enlightenment was the establishment of republics. How did this form of government differ from the pure democracy practiced in classical Greece?

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The republic allows leaders to be chosen who represent the people in political decisions. The democracy established in ancient Greece, on the other hand, allowed political decisions to be taken jointly by all Greek male citizens.


Although the republics use democracy to manage their governments, that democracy is quite different from what was established in ancient Greece.

In a republic the people represent the sovereign power of the country, however the people are not part of the political decisions of the country, but choose representatives, leaders who will meet and discuss among themselves what should or should not be done within the country's political environment.

The democracy established in ancient Greece also had the people as the sovereign power of the region, however there was no choice of representatives and all Greek men, not enslaved, had the right to participate in the meetings established for political decision-making.