Complementary angles are angles that add up to 90°. Supplementary angles add up to 180°.
Therefore, it's really easy to simply subtract the values that are less than 90 from 90 to receive the complement for those angles, but if it is above 90, subtract the number from 180. Therefore, your answers are as follows:
1. 54° and 144°
Complement: 90 - 36 = 54
Supplement: 180 - 36 = 144
2. 85° and 175°
Complement: 90 - 5 = 85
Supplement: 180 - 5 = 175
3. 20° and 110°
Complement: 90 - 70 = 20
Supplement: 180 - 70 = 110
4. 61° and 151°
Complement: 90 - 29 = 61
Supplement: 180 - 29 = 151
5. 40.8° and 130.8°
Complement: 90 - 49.2 = 40.8
Supplement: 180 - 49.2 = 130.8
6. 12°
Complement: 90 - 168 = -78 (negative angles do not work)
Supplement: 180 - 168 = 12
7. 79° and 169°
Complement: 90 - 11 = 79
Supplement: 180 - 11 = 169
8. 90 - 2x and 180 - 2x
Complement: 2x + (something) = 90 → 90 - 2x
Supplement: 180 - 2x