Yes. Personification is the literary device used here. This can be seen in the following expressions:
1. "Lofty mountains that pierce the clouds and reach to ..."
2. "Some of these creatures would never think of ..."
3. "... they (animals) survive such a humiliating experience ..."
The first gives the "lofty mountains" a human attribute with arrows and hands to pierce and reach to dizzying heights. The second gives animals thinking faculty as humans. The third makes it look as if animals could experience humiliation like humans.
In these three instances, one can say that objects and animals were given human attributes to act, think, and behave like human beings.
Personification is the assignment of human qualities, motivation, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena (in short to things that are not human). Example, "The news vied for my undivided attention with the novel I was reading. I put down the novel and was carried away by the news."