Respuesta :
Genetic cloning is defined as the exact replication of a set of bases and genetic pairs of a gene, replicating the same phenotypic characteristics, in simple words it is the copying of the gene and subsequent assembly by science called molecular biology. The best known example and the first cloning was the dolly sheep, where it was sought to completely clone this animal, it complied but over time pathologies developed and both sheep fell.
In the case of insulin, growth hormone (HDC) and vaccines, replicas of these chemical compounds such as HDC and insulin are produced to obtain it exogenously to the body and to inject or administer it in those patients who they have the inability to synthesize both hormones that are FUNDAMENTAL to the human body. It could be said that the replication or cloning of these enzymes is what improved the quality of life of those patients who are diabetic and who have growth disorders due to HDC deficiency.
In the case of vaccines, some vaccines are manufactured in the same way, part of the pathogenic organism replicates inactively or incapable of triggering pathology and inoculates the patient to make active immunity, that is, to form antibodies.
The selection of the part of these microorganisms that is cloned is not random, but a gene that provides a characteristic quality of the pathogen is cloned so that the immune response is more specific when making the antibody. In the case of some bacteria, for example, the pathognomonic capsule they present is genetically replicated, and thus the response produces an antibody specific for those wall molecules and to respond even better at the immunological level.
In simple words, in the three cases of cloning, what we have in common is to improve or preserve human life.
It is an advance in molecular biology, even an incredible challenge that manages the genetics of our living organism or other living organisms.