If Brett wants to give money to a particular candidate in order to help her get elected to
public office, what type of group should he donate to?

Respuesta :


The group that Brett must give the money to in order to help the candidate get elected is known as the Political Committee.

To qualify as a Political Committee the group in question must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  1. It must be a committee authorized by the candidate;
  2. It must be an association, club or other group of persons that receives contributions or makes expenditures, in excess of $1,000 annually.
  3. It must be the local arm of a political party that:
  • receives contributions totalling over 5 thousand dollars annually;
  • contributes or spends a total of 1 thousand dollars annually or
  • pays over five thousand dollars annually for activities that are excluded from the definitions of contribution and expenditure (11 CFR 100.80, 100.87 and 100.89; 11 CFR 100.140, 100.149).  Please note, definition 3 does not apply to a state party committee.




Politial Committee


You must register with the committee to donate for a U,S. candidate.