Respuesta :

Dear Queen Victoria,

I am sending you the report you requested on the current situation in India. I know that this is a region that is close to your heart and that you want to see succeed. I have to say, however, that our contributions to India have been mixed and unclear.

It is important to remember that the goals we had established in the region were those of protecting natives and advancing civilization. We have succeeded in some aspects. Natives have better healthcare now, as well as better food. Moreover, the protection of the English Empire allows them to know they would be fine if war ever came to India. In terms of advancing civilization, we have also made some fine contributions. The natives have adopted some good habits from us, such as cricket and tea. We have also built schools, Christian churches, and the railroad.

However, there have been some negatives to our presence as well. The native population suffers more poverty nowadays, while most colonists live in luxury. We have also led to the fragmentation of families and communities, which has been damaging to India's culture. Overall, it is difficult to determine whether we have met our goals, and I urge you, Queen, to reconsider whether colonialism is the best alternative for India.


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