Write a review of Mabel Barbee Lee's title Cripple Creek Days, a book about life in one of the world's most famous and important mining towns of the late 19th and early 20th century. Discuss life in an industrial city in the West. To what degree did life in mining towns like this resemble life in industrial cities in the East, the main topic of Chapter 18 in The American Yawp?

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After a youth spent in a Colorado gold mining town toward the finish of the nineteenth century and the turn of the twentieth, Mabel Barbee Lee documented her encounters in a diary named Cripple Creek Days. First distributed in 1958, the book is like an eye-witness record of the town's blast days from the perspective of a little youngster who has an eye for detail. Challenged person Creek Days opens with a forward from Lowell Thomas, one of Lee's students when she turned into the town's schoolmarm, who names his previous educator "The Mark Twain of Cripple Creek."  

Lee was conceived in 1884, and when she was eight years of age, her dad carried the family to a boondocks town in Colorado's Pikes Peaks area. In 1892, Cripple Creek was only a makeshift camp settled in the mountains at a height of 9,500 feet. The Lees were there without a moment to spare to witness "the entire spot go to gold."  

Lee's dad was a "gold seer," or miner, who chose to bring his hesitant spouse and three kids to search for metal in this new hotspot. Lee portrays exactly how troublesome and hardscrabble life was in a mining camp that had scarcely any comforts or markers of human advancement. Her dad is cherishing and fair, however hard-drinking and not generally the best chief. In the long run, he and his "divining pole" do locate a paying gold case on Beacon Hill, however the Lees barely miss turning out to be tycoons when he undercuts his case as opposed to completely investigating the find.  

While Lee watches her dad's battles, she is likewise a sharp, wide-peered toward watcher of different occasions in the developing town. His story winds up being a microcosm for the destinies of many, plus or minus a godsend: "Challenged person Creek, by 1902, had created a sum of $111,361,633 and between thirty-five or forty bonanza rulers. Be that as it may, numerous who had unearthed fortunes, disregarding themselves, had a personnel for shedding them."  

A great part of the activity of the book rotates around the appearance and advancement of trains. While making Cripple Creek famous, trains are regularly associated with wrecks that take phenomenal quantities of lives. All the more by and by, one of the most energizing occasions throughout Lee's life happens on a train that is assaulted by outlaws. As the criminals strip the payload and ransack the travelers, Lee conceals a silver dollar in her mouth trying to get it past them – ineffectively. She is fortunate to pull off her life.  

Life at the turn of the twentieth century could be very hard for reasons having nothing to do with business astuteness. Lee unassumingly reports unforeseen debacles, for example, every single expending fire that are amazingly damaging in a town where most structures are wood, maladies of irresistible sickness that assault the occupants one after another before anti-toxins. A portion of these repulsion visit Lee's own family. Her dad experiences excavator's lung, an irritation of the bronchial tissues, while her more youthful sister agreements and kicks the bucket from one of seasonal influenza pandemics that clear its path through the town, slaughtering unpredictably during a time before influenza antibodies were accessible.  

All through the diary, what comes through best is the amount Lee cherished her life at Cripple Creek regardless of its difficulties and her family's discontinuous torment. For her, the spot is associated permanently with her affection for her dad.