1.Which term is applied to a written document that defines and organizes a government?

2.Some of the Founders met in Annapolis, Maryland, in 1786. What was their goal at this meeting?
to discuss revising the Articles of Confederation
to elect a new president for the country
to sign the Declaration of Independence
to write the U.S. Constitution

3.Who was the "Father of the Constitution"?
James Madison
John Jay
George Washington
Alexander Hamilton

4.Some of the Founders boycotted the Constitutional Convention. Who was one of the boycotters?
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Elbridge Gerry
Patrick Henry

5.The Great Compromise established which of the following?
a weak executive branch of the federal government
only part of the slave population counting toward representation.
a two-house (bicameral) federal legislature made up of an upper and a lower house
a timeline of 20 years before Congress could limit the slave trade

6.The Three-Fifths Compromise had to do with which of the following?
balancing big and small states' power
ending slavery
electing the president
counting the enslaved population

7.Which group of people supported the ratification of the Constitution?

8.What term is applied to the people who opposed the Constitution?

9.What was the purpose of The Federalist Papers?
to revise the Articles of Confederation
to oppose ratification of the Constitution
to invite people to the Constitutional Convention
to encourage support for the ratification of the Constitution

10.The lasting legacy of the anti-Federalists included which of the following?
the Bill of Rights
the preamble
the Declaration of Independence
the Electoral College

Respuesta :

1. Constitution is a written document that defines and organizes a government.
2. Their goal at the meeting is to discuss revising the Articles of Confederation.
3. James Madison is the "Father of the Constitution".
4. Patrick Henry was one of the boycotters.
5. The Great Compromise established a two-house (bicameral) federal legislature made up of an upper and a lower house.
6. The Three-Fifths Compromise had to do with counting the population of the slaves.
7. The Federalists supported the ratification of the Constitution.
8. Anti-federalists are those who opposed the constitution.
9. The purpose of The Federalist Papers is to encourage support for the ratification of the Constitution.
10. The lasting legacy of the anti-federalists is the Bill of Rights.

1. Answer;


Constitution is a written document that defines and organizes a government.


It is a document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which government or a nation such as the United States is governed.

In the United states the constitution was drafted by the Constitutional Convention and later supplemented by the Bill of Rights and other amendments

2. Answer;

To discuss the revising the Articles of Confederation;

Their goal at the meeting is to discuss revising the Articles of Confederation.


Articles of confederation served as the written document that established the roles of the national government of the U.s after independence.

In 1781, Maryland delegates signed the ratification of the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles were finally ratified by all 13 states.

In 1787, Congress approved a plan to hold a convention in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation.

3. Answer;

James Madison

James Madison is the "Father of the Constitution".


James Madison is known as the father of the constitution because of his crucial role in the drafting and ratification of the constitution.

He was the drafter of the constitution, recorder of the constitutional convention, author of the Federalist papers and the fourth president of the United states.

4. Answer

Patrick Henry was one of the boycotters.


Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Patrick Henry, were the founders who boycotted the constitutional convention.

They turned down an invitation because they felt that Philadelphia, is tending toward the monarchy, and also did not participate.

When the Constitutional Convention opened on May 14, 1787, only delegates from Pennsylvania and Virginia were present

5. Answer;

The Great Compromise established a two-house (bicameral) federal legislature made up of an upper and a lower house.


The Greatest compromise was an agreement that was reached during the Constitutional convention held in Philadelphia .

The agreement was that, two separate houses would be established,; one by the population, as wanted for big states in Virginia plan, and one where all states would get equal representation, as wanted by the little states in the Jersey plan.

6. Answer;

The Three-Fifths Compromise had to do with counting the population of the slaves.


The Three-Fifths Compromise was proposed by James Wilson and Roger Sherman who were both delegates in the constitutional convention.

It outlined the process for states to count slaves as part of the population in order to determine representation and taxation for the federal government.

7. Answer;

The Federalists supported the ratification of the Constitution.


The federalists campaigned to support ratification because they believed the Constitution was the best way to balance these needs.

They supported the Constitution, and attempted to convince the States to ratify the document

8. Answer;

Anti-federalists are those who opposed the constitution.


The Anti-Federalists opposed to the Constitution.

They complained that the new system threatened liberties, and failed to protect individual rights.

They argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, while taking too much power away from state and local governments

9. Answer;

The purpose of The Federalist Papers is to encourage support for the ratification of the Constitution.


The Federalist papers were written by Alexander Hamilton,James Madison, and John Jay, who were among the federalists.

These were as series of 85 essays urging the citizens of New York to ratify the new United states Constitution.

10. Answer;

Bill of rights

The lasting legacy of the anti-federalists is the Bill of Rights.


One of the Anti-federalists most well-known concern, was over the lack of a bill of rights.

Most of them feared that without a bill of rights, the Constitution would not be able to sufficiently protect the rights of individuals and the states.