Organic substances are ordinarily nonpolar. This means that they do not dissolve in water. However, certain homologous series of organic compounds actually dissolve in water because they possess certain functional groups that effectively interact with water via hydrogen bonding.
A typical example of this is alcohol family. All members of this homologous series contain the -OH functional group. This group can effectively interact with water via hydrogen bonding, leading to the dissolution of low molecular weight alcohols in water.
Low molecular weight alcohols are miscible with water in all proportions. This implies that they are highly soluble in water. However, as the size of the alkyl moiety in the alcohol increases, the solubility of the alcohol in water decreases due to less effective interaction of the -OH group with water via hydrogen bonding. This explains the fact that C2H5OH is the most soluble alcohol in the list.
C6H6 is insoluble in water since it is purely a hydrocarbon with no -OH group capable of interaction with water via hydrogen bonding.