The following specifications are consistent
The file system is locked ⇒ L
New messages will be queued ⇒ Q
The system is functioning normally ⇒ N
The message will be sent to the message buffer ⇒ B
" Now, let us rewrite the specifications"
"If the file system is not locked, then new messages will be queued" ∴ ¬L ⇒ Q
"If the system is not locked, then the system is functioning normally and conversely" ∴ ¬L ⇔ N
"If new messages are not queued, then they will be sent to the message buffer" ∴ ¬Q ⇒ B
"If the file system is not locked, then new messages will be sent to the message buffer" ∴ ¬L ⇒ B
"New messages will not be sent to the message buffer" ∴ ¬B
To get consistency, take N to be false such that ¬N is true.
This mean that both L and Q be true, by the two conditional statements that have N as consequence.
First conditional statement ¬L ⇒ Q is of the form F?T, which is true.
Finally, the ¬L ⇒ B can be satisfied by taking B to be false.
This means that this set of specifications is consistent!
Truth value assignment
B: False
N: False
Q: True
L: True
Observing the Specification, Condition and Truth Value, it is evident that they are consistent.