Respuesta :
a. Time Orientation - Folkway
b. Role of Women - Folkway
c.Use of alcohol- Value
d.Theft- More
e. Japanese Business Etiquette- Folkway
f. Freedom- Value
A Folkway is a set of norms that are related to everyday behavior. They are not necessarily rules and have no law guiding them but they tend to be known widely and generally as norms. Examples are Business Etiquettes and the role of women.
A More is an act that is either considered right or wrong. They are sometimes converted into laws with punishments attached to them. Examples are Theft and murder.
Having a value means desiring certain kinds of behaviors because they are good. An example is Freedom.
a. Time orientation--- Value
b. Role of women--- Mores
c. Use of alcohol--- Value
d. Theft--- Mores
e. Japanese business etiquette--- Folkways
f. Freedom--- Value
Let us first define these three; values, Folkways and more. This should demarcate which of the following should be rightly paired with which. We should note that some of these might show some sense of overlapping in real life based on the differences in cultures around the world.
- Values: value shows the degree of importance of some thing or action, aimed at determining what actions are best to do or what way of living is the best way to live.
- Folkways: the traditional behavior or way of life of a particular community or group of people. Folkways demarcate between what is rude and what is polite, so they exert a form of social pressure that encourages us to act and interact in certain ways.
- Mores: Mores determine what is considered morally acceptable or unacceptable within any given culture. It is a stricter form of folkways, more like the manner, custom and habit of a particular culture.