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The Spartans raised they're children to be warriors, so they began learning to fight at an early age. If a child was born with a disability they would be left alone to die.

Spartan upbringing was garnered towards making both boys and girls stronger much like warriors.

Spartan upbringing included:

  • Babies being examined at birth to check their fitness and disabilities.
  • Babies were not coddled and were cared for by nurses.
  • Boys were taken for training when they were 7 in a practice known as the Agoge.
  • Girls were also trained physically from the age of 7 because it was believed that stronger women made stronger children.

This is different from American children who are kept at birth regardless of whether they had any disabilities. Children are generally pampered and given a lot of love.

Children in America are also not trained to be warriors like Spartans are which allows them to have a more relaxed childhood.

In conclusion, Spartan kids were raised very differently from American kids.

Find out more about the spartan education at