
What was the immediate effect of Americas use of atomic weapons in august, 1945?

Respuesta :

It was like other weapons in the war, only more powerful. Firebombing of Tokyo and other cities also caused hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

It would show the USSR how powerful the United States was and give the United States more bargaining power
after the war.

Harry Truman

President who ultimately chose to drop atomics bombs on two Japanese cities.

Immediate Effects

• Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9).
• About two-thirds of Hiroshima was destroyed immediately; between 45,000-90,000 people were killed almost immediately.
• About half of Nagasaki was destroyed immediately; around 40,000 people were killed almost immediately.

Long-term Effects

By the end of 1945, approximately 60,000 people in Hiroshima and 30,000 people in Nagasaki who survived the initial explosions had died from injuries, burns, or radiation poisoning.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

The invasion of Japan would cost tens of thousands of American lives.

Reason NOT To Use the Atomic Bomb

It would set a precedent for the world. Because of Americas example, other countries would conclude that it is acceptable to use atomic bombs as weapons, making nuclear proliferation and nuclear war in the future more likely.

Reason NOT to Use the Atomic Bomb

It might have been possible to demonstrate the bomb to the Japanese before dropping it on cities.

Reason NOT to Use the Atomic Bomb

The Japanese were close to defeat and would have surrendered soon without an all-out invasion.

Reason NOT to Use the Atomic Bomb

Some people would consider Americans to have committed an atrocity and it would hurt the reputation of the United States.

Reason NOT to Use the Atomic Bomb

Its power was greater than needed to defeat the Japanese.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

Japan might not surrender unless faced with the threat of utter destruction that the bomb would provide.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

The atomic bomb would end the war sooner and end up saving lives that would have otherwise be lost in a land invasion and continuation of traditional bombing.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

It would force the Japanese to surrender quickly and to the US only, allowing the US to avoid sharing control of post-war Japan with the USSR as they did with Germany.

Reason TO Use the Atomic Bomb

The United States
didn't want its investment in developing the bomb to be seen as a waste of time and money.

Warning Leaflets

Dropped on Japanese cities, encouraged citizens to evacuate their cities and ask their leaders to stop the war.


Target of the 2nd atomic bomb nicknamed "Fat Man." A large seaport and industrial city that manufactured many war materials, but was the least strategically important of the cities considered for targets. Approximate population before the bombing: 250,000.


Target of the 1st atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy." Home to multiple important military headquarters and significant industry. Approximate population before the bombing: 345,000.

nuclear proliferation

The spread of nuclear weapons and the ability to make them to more countries.

the immediate effect is known as V-j day (victory over japan) and the emperor announced over radio their surrender to America,