Assignment 8: Calendar Create a calendar program that allows the user to enter a day, month and year in three separate variables. Then ask the user to select froma menu of choices using this formatting: Please enter a date Day: Month: Year: Menu: 1) Calculate the number of days in the given month. 2) Calculate the number of days left in the given year t must include the following functions: ter and returns a 1 if a year is a leap year et and O if it is not. This information will only be used by other functions umber of days: This subprogram will accept the date as parameters and return how many days are in the given monthe. the date as parameters and then calculate the number of days left in the year. This should not include the date the user entered in the count

this is what I have so far:
def number_of_days(m):
if (m == 1,3,5,7,8,9,11):
woh = 31
elif (m == 2):
woh = 28
elif (m == 4,6,10,12):
woh = 30
print (woh)
print (29)

def days_left(d,m,y):
if (d > 0):
print ('135')
def leap_year(d,m,y):
if (d > 0):
print ('1')

day = int(input('Enter the day.'))
month = int(input('Enter the month.'))
year = int(input('Enter the year.'))
menu = int(input('Day in month or left in year? (1,2)'))
if (menu == 1):
monthdays = number_of_days(month)
print (monthdays)
elif (menu == 2):
dayleft = days_left(day,month,year)
print (dayleft)

Respuesta :


Following are the correct code to this question:

def leap_year(year):#defining a method to check if year is leap year

   if ((year%4==0) and (year%100!=0)) or (year%400==0):#defining condition to check value

       return 1 #return value 1

   return 0 #return 0

def number_of_days(month,year):#defining method number_of_days to calculate year or month is leap year are not  

   if month==2: #defining if block to calculate leap year value  

       if leap_year(year):#using if block to call leap_year month  

           return 29#return value 29

   return 28 #return value 28

   if month in days_31: #defining if block to calculate day

       return 31 #return value 31

   return 30#return value 30

def days_left(day,month,year):#defining method days_Left  

   daysLeft = number_of_days(month,year)-day#defining variable daysLeft which calls number_of_days method  

   month += 1 #increment month variable value by 1

   while month<=12:#defining while loop to Calculate left days

       daysLeft += number_of_days(month,year) #using daysLeft variable to hold number_of_days value

       month += 1 #increment value of month variable by 1

   return daysLeft #return daysLeft value

days_31 = [1,3,5,7,8,10,12] #defining days_31 dictionary and assign value

days_30 = [4,6,9,11] # defining days_30 dictionary and assign value

print('Please enter a date') #print message

day = int(input('Day: ')) #defining day variable and input value  

month = int(input('Month: '))#defining Month variable and input value

year = int(input('Year: '))#defining Year variable and input value

print('Menu:')#print message

print('press 1 to Calculate the number of days in the given month.')#print message

print('press 2 to Calculate the number of days left in the given year.')#print message

choice = int(input())#defining choice variable and input the value

if choice==1: #defining if block to check choice

   print(number_of_days(month,year)) #call method number_of_days and print value

elif choice==2: #defining elif block to check value

   print(days_left(day,month,year))#call days_left and print value


Please enter a date

Day: 2

Month: 6

Year: 2018


press 1 to Calculate the number of days in the given month.

press 2 to Calculate the number of days left in the given year.




In the given python code, three methods "leap_year, number_of_days, and days_left " is declared, in which we calculate all the values that can be described as follows:

  • In the leap_year method, it accepts the year variable, which calculates the year is the leap year and returns its value that is 1.
  • In the next method number_of_days, it is declared that accepts the "year and month"  variable as the parameter and calculates and returns its value.
  • In the last days_left method, it calculates the left days and returns its value, and outside the method, two dictionary variable days_31 and days_30 is declared, which assign a value and used use three input variable day, month, and year variable to accepts user input value.
  • In the next step, a choice variable is declared, that input values and calls and print its value accordingly.

The calendar program illustrates the use of conditional statements

In programming, conditional statements are used to make decisions.

The calendar program in Python where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This defines the function that calculates the days in a month

def daysMonth(month,year):

   #This checks for leap year (i.e. February), and returns the number of days

   if month==2:

       if ((year%4==0) and (year%100!=0)) or (year%400==0):

           return 29

       return 28

   #This checks and returns the number of days in the other months

   if month in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:

       return 31

   return 30

#This defines the function that calculates the days remaining in a year

def countDays(day,month,year):

   #This calculates the days remaining in the current month

   daysLeft = daysMonth(month,year)-day

   month += 1

   #The following loop determines the days left in the year

   while month<=12:

       daysLeft += daysMonth(month,year)

       month += 1

   #The returns the days left in the year

   return daysLeft

#This gets the day as input

day = int(input('Day: '))

#This gets the month as input

month = int(input('Month: '))

#This gets the year as input

year = int(input('Year: '))

#This gets the choice

choice = int(input("1 - Days in the month\n2 - Days left in the year\nChoice: "))

#If the choice is 1, this prints the days in the month

if choice==1:

   print("There are",daysMonth(month,year),"days in the month")

#If the choice is 2, this prints the days left in the year

elif choice==2:

   print("There are",countDays(day,month,year),"left in the year")

Read more about conditional statements at: