Respuesta :
The correct answer is C) he does not understand how much danger they are in.
The other options of the question were A) he is in a great hurry to get away from this land. B) he is terribly afraid of being caught by Don Ricardo. D) he will not rest until he and Blanca Flor are safe.
Based on the text details in this excerpt, what can be inferred about Juanito.
I am going to include the text that is missing for a better understanding:
JUANITO: Blanca Flor, we can rest now. We are free. BLANCA FLOR: No, Juanito, we will not be free until we are beyond the borders of Don Ricardo's land. As long as we are on his land, his powers will work on us.
JUANITO: How much farther?
BLANCA FLOR: Remember the river where you met the Duende? That river is the border. Across it we are free.
JUANITO: That river is still really far. Let's rest here for a while.
Although Juanito wants to rest now, Blanca Flor tells him that since they are still in Don Ricardo's territory, they are in great danger. Juanito seems to not understand this big issue, so Blanca Flor has to explain it to him very clear so both can make an effort and continue walking until they cross the river to be safe.