g A team of researchers suspects that RegX may play a role in regulating cytoskeletal reorganization by activating KinY. To test whether these two proteins can interact, they conducted two variations of the following experiment: 1) Transform mouse cells with expression plasmids encoding the proteins of interest. 2) Express proteins of interest inside cells. 3) Lyse cells 4) Conduct a Co-IP on the cell lysate against GST or GST-tagged KinY (depending on the specific experiment). 5) Run western blots to see which proteins are present in the immunoprecipitates. The results _________________________________________.

Respuesta :


It is expected to observe the immunoprecipitation of the GST-tagged KinY complex, thereby indicating the role of RegX in the mechanism of cytoskeletal reorganization.


Western blot is a technique widely used in molecular biology laboratories in order to identify proteins and also to quantify their expression levels. This technique is useful to detect proteins with high specificity, in this case the technique has been used for the detection of an immunoprecipitated (i.e., GST-tagged KinY complex) in order to confirm the role of the upstream protein RegX in cytoskeletal organization.