An individual is known to their coworkers for keeping promises. The individual promised that they would attend a scheduled project meeting or send a representative from their team. The meeting organizer just received an email from the individual that they would not be able to attend the scheduled project meeting.
a. Which one of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage above?
1. The organizer is expecting a representative from the individual's team to attend the meeting.
2. No one from the individual's team will be attending the meeting.
3. Coworkers believe that the individual never breaks promises.

Respuesta :


The correct answer is option (1) The organizer is expecting a representative from the individual's team to attend the meeting.



As the individual is known for keeping promises and also in the received mail individual didn't tell about their team representative weather representative will attend meeting or not.

As individual known for keeping their promises so that organizer is expecting a representative from the individual team to attend meeting.