Can someone please reword what I’m trying to say correctly about this image and rewrite this paragraph


Can someone please reword what Im trying to say correctly about this image and rewrite this paragraph20 POINTS SERIOUS HELP class=
Can someone please reword what Im trying to say correctly about this image and rewrite this paragraph20 POINTS SERIOUS HELP class=

Respuesta :


Hi, this is the edited version of your text.


The drawing was made inspired by the theme of loss of purity in the poem, "futility" where it focuses on the damage suffered by soldiers because of their innocence. This theme is conveyed using a variety of visual techniques such as symbolism, color, and body language. In this image, it shows a youthful soldier dying on the ground, when the sun hits him dreaming of where he wanted to be when he died.

The color around him symbolizes peacefulness it is attached to the theme of the poem and is represented when he is thinking about waking up to his home and its beauty.

The body language in this image shows a young soldier laying on the floor with the deep red blood scattered fully as a guard from where he is and his reality to where he wanted and imagined his life to end because that place represents a peaceful place. In the place where he wanted the sun hit him when he died.

The color in the background setting is a bright and peaceful image, showing the place the young soldier wanted to be.

The sun hitting the soldier's face symbolizes the idea of his feelings around the idea of the place where he wanted to have kids, raise a family, and be happy.

The reason I edited a few phrases was that there were grammar, orthographic, and context errors that needed to be fixed. If you can look, the meaning prevails. However, the words have been edited to provide a clearer meaning, because for example colour is incorrect. That word is in french, also, you have to put a comma between objects listed in the same category. And finally, because some times your idea was very good, but the grammar was not accurate to describe it.

The color in the background setting is a bright and peaceful image, showing the place the young soldier wanted to be.

The sun hitting the soldier's face symbolizes the idea of his feelings around the idea of the place where he wanted to have kids, raise a family, and be happy.