here is your answer
2. The Bolshevik were the majority group led by Vladmir Lenin who thought that in a repressive society like Tsarist Russia, the party should be disciplined and control the number and quality of its members. they were the group who conducted the Russian revolution
The Menshevik, were the minority group who taught that the party should be open by all. they did not believe in revolution but wanted to bring changes through democratic mean
4. The Treaty of portsmouth was a peace agreement between Russia and Japan.
It ended the russo-japanese war of 1904- 1905.
The negotiations took place in August in Portsmouth,New Hampshire fire and wwere brokered in parts by the US President Roosevelt.
The final agreement was signed in September of 1905 and it affirme the Japanese presence in South manchuria and Korea and ceded the southern half of the island of sakhalin to Japan.
i jst know this much