How does Tommy's reaction to the mysterious blackout
affect other elements of the story?
That was the way they prepared things for the
landing. They sent four people. A mother and People in the crowd become suspicious of one
a father and two kids who looked just like
humans... but they weren't
Steve and Charlie become enemies.
There's another silence as Steve looks toward the crowd Tommy begins to think Steve is the leader of the
and then toward Tommy. He wears a tight grin.
alien invasion
People in the crowd begin to think Tommy is the
son of alien parents.
Well, I guess what we'd better do then is to
run a check on the neighborhood and see
which ones of us are really human.
There's laughter at this, but it's a laughter that comes
from a desperate attempt to lighten the atmosphere. It's a
release kind of laugh.
- The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,
Dod Carlina