Jessica Simpson, the famous pop star who has served as a spokesman for the anti-acne skin care product Proactiv, is an example of _____. While her claims are very impressive and persuasive, a well-designed study would provide more convincing evidence in support of this acne cure.

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Jessica Simpson, the famous pop star who served as a spokesperson for the anti-acne skin care product Proactiv, is an example of a marketing strategy. While his claims are impressive and persuasive, a well-designed study would provide more convincing evidence in support of this acne cure.


Using a celebrity to promote a product is a strong marketing strategy that provides more sales results than showing scientific facts that prove the product’s effectiveness.

This is because celebrities are strong influences for many people who want to be like them, whether in bickering, in behavior or in actions. Thus, when a celebrity prints an advertising campaign, it is as if that celebrity spoke directly to his fans and said "I approve of this product, so you should also use it".