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Example of relative and absolute chronology between massive lava flows. The context area is shown with a close-up view of the context map (A) and a part of the THEMIS IR DAY mosaic (B). The white square outlines the footprint of the portion (C) of THEMIS V18741023 (illumination from west). This image shows a large lava front. The flow direction is south. The relative stratigraphy suggests that the northern lava lobe is younger than the substratum. This statement appears in contradiction with absolute ages. The apparent contradiction is solved from the careful examination of images. A younger and smaller lava flow was actually emplaced close to the lava flow front as indicated by the lava flow limits of the context map (A). This example illustrates how a combined examination of relative stratigraphy and absolute dating is essential to determine the local volcanic history of CEP.
i gave u both chronology
After the attacks on September 11, congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act
APEX U.S History