In the Nazi regime, in 1933 democracy began to be in danger because free opinions were not respected and not even people who did not belong to the Aryan race, that is why what happened was the murder of many people and even the indoctrination of much others.
In the year 1932 the Nazis reached the peak of the votes, since they began to go to people who had never voted before, distributing flyers in order to more people behind.
In 1933, Hitler assumed his presidency, where he slowly begins to start his dictatorship, the government prohibits the communist party. On March 15 there are already tens of miles of communists arrested. To lodge all these political prisoners, the first concentration camps were created. The conditions there were terrible. People were mistreated, tortured, and sometimes killed.
Although something that gave much more strength to this lack of democracy was the law that drives Hitler, called "the law of power" where he could execute any type of law and thus further dominate society.