Discuss the ethics of the circumstances that resulted in the Columbia shuttle disaster. Considering the predictions that were made years before the disaster, as well as the reliability of the Binomial distribution and its implications, what could or should the engineers associated with the program have done differently

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This is not so much a mathematical issue as a case study, because the response will inevitably require us to test the special Columbic shuttle disaster scenario. I would suggest that you read this in detail and present the points accordingly. Here I give as many points as I think are relevant.

The failure of a space program is definitely a complex situation, more than a simple binomial distribution. It's definitely not as simple as repeating the flip of a coin. There are several coherent factors and situations that govern the overall coordination and execution of such an event. The problem is, those who are running a project like this are still making a trade off,It is never the case that they sealed the lid on any chance of failure between multiple parameters. You try to do something, but often, as is the case above, the potentially dangerous situation is impossible or uncontrollable. Since the root cause of failure, which is dried out tiles that can not withstand heat and water, it appears that owing to the constant use of the shuttle the head architects have not foreseen this.