Please answer 2,3and 4 the movie is one Mulan please answer questions on picture

2. When Mulan is found out to be a girl and is seen as weak she is told to go home but then realizes that she knows how to save the day and she tells everyone and anyone that will listen to her and eventually her friends realize in order to save everyone they must team up togeter and go about it her way.
3. The low point is when mulan is found out to be a girl and her friends turn away from her and the only reason she gets to leave without trouble is because somone repayed a debt to her and spared her life, but it was more like a slap in the face to her in that moment.
4. Mulan learned that being different is good and that even when people see you as insignificant and weak you must fight back and continue to get up until they see you as someone who can save them from the situation they are facing.