Napa resident Maria Gonzales, a newly-licensed real estate broker, has just negotiated her first trust deed loan for her client, Isaac Mahrsan. The loan's term is 5 years, and it is Isaac's first loan. Under Article 7 of the Mortgage Broker Law in California, Maria knows that certain regulations have been set forth regarding her commission in such a transaction. What is the maximum commission for loans subject to Article 7, for first loans?

Respuesta :


Maria's maximum commission on this loan is 10 percent of the principal of a loan, which applies to loans of 3 years or more


In article 7, the maximum commission for loans are subject to 10 percent of the principal of a loan of 3 years or more for first loans. Maria's client is a taking a loan for the first time.

This article is found in the mortgage broker law. In Napa California, Maria Gonzalez who is a licensed real estate broker and salespersons can act as a loan broker for her client Isaac Merhsan. This Law is under the California Business and Professions Code and it serves as a regulator for this activity.