1. The likelihood of a payment occurring is probable, and the estimated amount is $1.14 million.
2. The likelihood of a payment occurring is probable, and the amount is estimated to be in the range of $0.94 to $1.14 million.
US GAAP allows companies to record probable losses at lowest estimated value.
3. The likelihood of a payment occurring is reasonably possible, and the estimated amount is $1.14 million.
A contingent liability (or loss) that is only possible, but not probable, does not need to be journalized and recorded. It only needs to be disclosed in the footnotes of the financial statements.
4. The likelihood of a payment occurring is remote, while the estimated potential amount is $1.14 million.
A contingent liability (or loss) that is remote, does not need to be journalized or recorded, nor included in the footnotes of the financial statements.