Pick one organism that lives in the savanna and explain why it has adapted to this environment. Do you think the adaptations of the animal you chose are a result of its environment, genes, or both? Explain your answer. Someone please help me! D:

Respuesta :

Answer: Elephants


Elephants have being able to survive in the savannah due to its ability to adapt. Elephants natural have no sweet glands so they have to device other means to cool their selfs, th ey achieve this by flapping their ears to create the cooling effects they need to survive in their environment. They also posses tusk and long trunks which they used for eating and drinking. The adaptation of the elephants to the African savannah has being due to the effects of environment and the genes. A popular example is an African elephant is different from it’s counterpart from Asia. Africa elephants have bigger ears unlike Asians which are smaller

Answer: let's use Zebra's as an example of an Animal living in the Africa Savannah, these animals have adapted to their environment for survival, during shortage of water and food they migrate (moving to another area) and hibernating (to conserve power) until the season is over. They feed on grasses and often use camouflage to protect themselves from predators e.g lions, when they are roaming in the open.

We can say that the adaptation of this Animal depends on both Environmental and genetic factors this is because, they move when there is shortage of food and water which is affected by the environment, and apart from using camouflage for protection, zebras can run fast too, Some even run in a zigzag pattern while being chased, making them even harder to catch which is a genetic factor.