The price does the dividend-discount model predict Colgate stock should sell for today is $66.47
In order to calculate the price does the dividend-discount model predict Colgate stock should sell for today we would have to calculate first the Present value of dividend of next 5 years as follows:
Present value of dividend of next 5 years as follows=
Year Dividend Discount factor Present value
a b c=1.085^-a d=b*c
1 $ 1.62 0.921659 $ 1.49
2 $ 1.74 0.849455 $ 1.48
3 $ 1.86 0.782908 $ 1.46
4 $ 1.98 0.721574 $ 1.43
5 $ 2.10 0.665045 $ 1.40
Total $ 7.25
Then, we have to calculate the Present value of dividend after 5 years as follows:
Present value of dividend after 5 years=D5*(1+g)/(Ke-g)*DF5
Present value of dividend after 5 years=$2.10(1+6%)/(8.50%-6%)* 0.665045
Present value of dividend after 5 years=$59.22
Current value of stock=Present value of dividend of next 5 years+ Present value of dividend after 5 years
Current value of stock= $7.25+$59.22
Current value of stock=$66.47
The price does the dividend-discount model predict Colgate stock should sell for today is $66.47