In this lab, you use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.

// HouseSign.cpp - This program calculates prices for custom made signs.

using namespace std;
int main()
// This is the work done in the housekeeping() function
// Declare and initialize variables here
// Charge for this sign
// Color of characters in sign
// Number of characters in sign
// Type of wood

// This is the work done in the detailLoop() function
// Write assignment and if statements here

// This is the work done in the endOfJob() function
// Output charge for this sign
cout << "The charge for this sign is $" << charge << endl;

Respuesta :

Here is the complete question.

In this lab, you use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.

start input testScore,

classRank if testScore >= 90 then if classRank >= 25 then output "Accept"

else output "Reject" endif else if testScore >= 80

then if classRank >= 50 then output "Accept" else output "Reject" endif

else if testScore >= 70

then if classRank >= 75 then output "Accept"

else output "Reject"

endif else output "Reject"





Study the pseudocode in picture above. Write the interactive input statements to retrieve: A student’s test score (testScore) A student's class rank (classRank) The rest of the program is written for you. Execute the program by clicking "Run Code." Enter 87 for the test score and 60 for the class rank. Execute the program by entering 60 for the test score and 87 for the class rank.

[comment]: <> (3. Write the statements to convert the string representation of a student’s test score and class rank to the integer data type (testScore and classRank, respectively).)

Function: This program determines if a student will be admitted or rejected. Input: Interactive Output: Accept or Reject

*/ #include using namespace std; int main() { // Declare variables

// Prompt for and get user input

// Test using admission requirements and print Accept or Reject

if(testScore >= 90)

{ if(classRank >= 25)

{ cout << "Accept" << endl; }


cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 80)

{ if(classRank >= 50)

cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 70)

{ if(classRank >=75) cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else cout << "Reject" << endl; } } } //End of main() function



The objective here is to use the flowchart and pseudocode found in the figures below to add code to a partially created C++ program. When completed, college admissions officers should be able to use the C++ program to determine whether to accept or reject a student, based on his or her test score and class rank.



using namespace std;

int main(){

// Declare variables

int testScore, classRank;

// Prompt for and get user input

cout<<"Enter test score: ";


cout<<"Enter class rank: ";


// Test using admission requirements and print Accept or Reject

if(testScore >= 90)  

{ if(classRank >= 25)

{ cout << "Accept" << endl; }


cout << "Reject" << endl;


else { if(testScore >= 80)

{ if(classRank >= 50)

cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl; }

else { if(testScore >= 70)

{ if(classRank >=75) cout << "Accept" << endl;

else cout << "Reject" << endl;


else cout << "Reject" << endl; }


return 0;

} //End of main() function


See the attached file below:

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