C. reality : delusion
In order to complete the analogy, we must first discover what the relationship between the two given words is.
- A fact is something that is absolutely true, backed by evidence
- A fiction is something that is made up, so it's not necessarily true
Ah, now we see: these two words are antonyms; in other words, they're opposites of each other, so we want to find a pair that is also made up of antonyms.
A: unreal : delusion
- unreal: this means something that isn't reality
- delusion: this is a false belief
These two words aren't really synonyms, but they're not antonyms, either, so eliminate.
B: disbelief : delusion
- disbelief: not believing something
- delusion: false belief
There isn't a really clear relationship between these two words, but we can definitely say that they're not antonyms, either, so eliminate.
C: reality : delusion
- reality: something that is true
- delusion: false belief
Ah, now we can see that these two are quite opposite, so this is the answer.
D: fantasy : delusion
- fantasy: a made-up, unreal world
- delusion: false belief
These aren't opposites either, so eliminate.
The answer is thus C.