write a monologue where you are a radio DJ in this current time trying to entertain your audience as well as inform them. This DJ has an absurd name and is responsible for playing music, making commercials and also giving the news. Your monologue should include all three items, maybe the radio host changes voices, uses puppets to become different persons.

Respuesta :

Answer: John Fortnite


You telling me it took 5 guys to make a burger

DJ Potatoes: why do i always do this i tend to leave important things out, can i ever get a break, i don't even wanna be a DJ i wanna be an author. I wanna write stories i wanna make books with the books i will send people around the world for new experiences maybe i could take you to Paris it would be called the the french tour by Leanna McLaimoe not the music by DJ Potatoes I'm just tired of it!