Respuesta :
Joe went to work with his best friend Harry. Both loved working together. They would both help each other with their work. They would also support each other in hard situations.
One day, Harry started to ask Joe to do a lot of work for him, more than they have ever done for each other. It was only for that day, Joe would say.
Harry got so used to having his work done for him, that he never saw Joe as his best friend anymore. Harry also stopped talking to Joe, only when he needed help, would he say anything.
Joe got tired of Harry using him. He decided that he would not do it anymore. He walked into Harry's office, took all of the work he had done over the years for him, and threw it out the window for the cars to run over.
Harry was so mad at Joe. He didn't understand why Joe would do such a thing. So, he did the same to Joe. But unlike Harry, Joe didn't get mad. Joe knew that this day would come, so he made a multiple of every single paper he had. He hid them away were Harry, along with anyone else, wouldn't find them.
Harry was confused. He didn't understand why Joe wasn't mad. Joe told Harry about how he used him over many years. Harry knew what he was doing, but just couldn't stop. He apologized to Joe, but Joe didn't take the apology, he knew that if he accepted it, Harry would just walk all over him again. Joe quit his job, and moved far away. They never spoke again.