Answer: percentage of mice that will be spotted is 100%, and 0% chance of being solid colored.
Explanation: First, homozygous means each parent have matching chromosomes (Like XX, instead of Xx)
Lets make a punnet square and show the data. We will use 'S' for spotted and 's' for solid
The punnet square shows that the percentage of mice that will be spotted is 100%, and 0% chance of being solid colored.
Hope this helps :)
The percentage of mice that will be spot-ted is 100%, and 0% chance of being solid colored.
In the first time, h-o-m-o-z-y-g-o-u-s means each & every parent should have matching chromosomes (Like X-X, instead of X-x)
So based on this, we can say that The percentage of mice that will be spot-ted is 100%, and 0% chance of being solid colored.
in this way, the percentage is determined.
learn more about percentage here: