Scout Finch: From the age of six, she begins to understand human nature and racism in her town as her father is called a "n---- lover". She saves the life of Tom Robinson -who is accused of raping and killing a white woman Mayella Ewell- by talking to the mob leader Mr Cunningham.
Atticus Finch: He is the father of "Scout" Finch and a defense lawyer for Tom Robinson. He is the deadliest shot in Maycomb County although he does not like to say how good a shot he is because he feels like it's taking undue advantage over others. He supports racial equality and does not back down from the public criticism following his decision to represent Tom Robinson.
In the book, "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the stage is set in a heavily racist county where a man is accused of raping and killing a white woman and despite the evidence showing that he could not have committed the crime, the racism among the all-white members of the jury find him guilty although Tom is shot to death while trying to escape prison.