Austen was said to use dramatic irony for comedic effect in Sense and Sensibilty and also to demonstrate faults in logic in some of her characters.
One example would be that the reader was said to be well aware that the John Willoughby was bad newsand that Colonel Brandon was really in love with Marianne, in which Marianne was unable to see either of these things due to the fact that she was so caught up in her romantic ways.
Austen was said to use dramatic irony for comedic effect in Sense and Sensibilty and also to demonstrate faults in logic in some of her characters.
One example would be that the reader was said to be well aware that the John Willoughby was bad newsand that Colonel Brandon was really in love with Marianne, in which Marianne was unable to see either of these things due to the fact that she was so caught up in her romantic ways.