The author conveyed the same theme by featuring a female character named Ju-lia, who like Mu-lan, overturned the expectations about girls by proving her abilities.
"Mu-lan's Ballad" is a rendition written by Josephine Godfrey of Hua Mu-lan's story. Hua Mu-lan was a Chinese emperor who replaced her old father in a battle and fought and won it. The theme of the story is about the expectations of girls abilities. Time and again girls are stere-otyped of being weak and unable to do task that involves strength.
"Helmeted Hero", on the other hand, is a short story written by Tr-avis Spencer. The story is somewhat similar in character type in featuring the characters of Mu-lan and Ju-lia. In 'Helmeted Hero' Ju-lia was a sister of Tony, who got injured on the field. Ju-lia disg-uised herself in the uniform of her brother and took her brother's place eventually making her brother's team win the match. The theme of this story is the same as in 'Mu-lan's Ballad' that overturned the expectations about girl's abilities.