"During four futile years, the administration which we shall replace has distorted and lost that faith. It has talked

and talked and talked and talked the words of freedom. Now, failures cement the wall of shame in Berlin. Failures

blot the sands of shame at the Bay of Pigs. Failures mark the slow death of freedom in Laos. Failures infest the

jungles of Vietnam. And failures haunt the houses of our once great alliances and undermine the greatest

bulwark ever erected by free nations - the NATO community.... Because of this administration we are tonight a

world divided - we are a Nation becalmed.

From Barry Goldwater's 1964 speech at the 28th Republican National Convention, accepting the nomination for


Goldwater's speech is very critical of mistakes made by the previous presidential administration of

Respuesta :


Goldwater's speech was very critical of mistakes made by the previous presidential administration of flexible-response foreign policy.


Kennedy's administration achieved peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis and refrained from further escalation of the Berlin Crisis of 1961. He helped to create created the Alliance for Progress, the Peace Corps, Food for Peace, and the Agency for International Development. However, Kennedy's policies also led to implementing the Bay of Pigs invasion and escalation of the Vietnam War.