How many times is the function wordScramble() called in the given program? public class WordScramble { public static void wordScramble(String rem, String scr) { if (rem.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(scr + rem); } else { for (int i = 0; i < rem.length(); ++i) { wordScramble((rem.substring(0, i) + rem.substring(i + 1, rem.length())), (scr + rem.charAt(i))); } } } public static void main(String args[]) { wordScramble("ab", ""); } } 4 2 5 3

Respuesta :


The answer is "2"


  • In the given java program code, a class WordScramble is declared, inside the class, a static method wordScramble is declared, that accepts two string parameter that is "rem and scr".
  • Inside the method a conditional statement is used in the if the block it checks rem variable value is empty so, it will add rem and scr value.  Otherwise, it will go to else block in this a loop is defined, which calls the method, which calculates rem length that is 2, and this method call two times to rearrange the values.
  • In the next step main method is defined that calls wordScramble method, which passes only one argument "ab" in its first parameter.
  • This method accepts one string value, in which there are two numbers   "a and b" that's why the method will run two times.