You want a credit card that will help you save money on purchases. How can you save money with a credit card?
A. You can get cash-back rewards.
B. You don't have to pay sales tax.
C. You can pay now and mail in your receipt to get a rebate.

Respuesta :

One big way to save money with a credit card is that you can get cash back rewards. The cash back rewards will give you cash back at the end of the month or year ( depending on card) and it really helps out in the long run. The correct answer is A. 

The correct answer is A. You can get cash-back rewards.

Someone can save money with credit card by getting cash-back rewards.

Credit card is termed as payment card which is issued to users to enable them to pay merchant for services and goods. There are different ways which credit card can save money. For example,

1. Cash back. In this a person can return one or two percent of what he or she has purchased. For example, Discover it cash back.

2. Sign-up bonuses.

3. free checked bags for example Gold Delta skymiles card.

4. Extended warranties.

5. Costs of cash.