b),c) : Increase Aggregate Supply
a), d) : Decrease Aggregate Supply
e) No change in Aggregate Supply
Short Run aggregate supply (AS) is the total amount of goods & services produced by all buyers & sellers of an economy during a period of time.
a) The U.S. government increases the minimum wage : Increase in wage costs reduces profit, so it reduces AS
b) Widespread adoption of the Internet by businesses increases productivity and efficiency : Improvement in technology & efficiency increases profit margin, so it increases AS
c) The government decreases the payroll tax paid by employers : Decrease in employers tax cost reduces profit, so it increase AS
d) A financial crisis causes businesses to anticipate a recessionary economy within the coming months : Expectation of recessionary period with low demand make producers pessimist, so reduce AS
e) The U.S. government decreases the personal income tax rate paid by households : Personal tax effects consumers & not buyers, so it doesn't effect AS