Martin Luther was just one of many religious figures who questioned the church. Read this fourteenth-century poem criticizing the Avignon papacy by another priest. As you read, answer the following questions. Feel free to do some research on the Internet to help you find answers.

Who is the author? Who was this person in history?

What do you think was the author’s purpose in writing this poem? How can you tell?

What do you think Martin Luther would have thought of this poem? Why? its a middle school thing

Respuesta :


The poem’s author was Raimon de Cornet, a priest and poet from Toulouse, France. He wrote the poem to criticize the church, which at the time had its headquarters in Avignon, France, instead of Rome. He criticizes the pope, cardinals, and bishops for leading rich and lavish lifestyles while the poor suffered. His purpose is to show his point of view. I can tell this is his purpose because in the first sentence he says "I see the pope his sacred trust betray", making me think is his pont of view. I think Matin Luther would have liked or supported this poem because he also questioned the church.


The author of the poem was Raimon de Cornet, a priest and poet from Toulouse, France. He wrote the poem to criticize the Church, which was then based in Avignon, France, rather than Rome. He criticizes the pope, cardinals and bishops for leading rich and lavish lives while the poor suffer. Its purpose is to show its point of view. I can tell that is his intention because in the first sentence he says "I see that the Pope is betraying his sacred mission", which leads me to believe that is his point of view. I think Matin Luther would have liked or supported this poem because he also questioned the church.
