Monday Who?
These are the people of an important Mesoamerican civilization that lasted from about 2000 BCE to 1500 CE.

The highest authority in Mayan society. His name means “true man”.

Mayan village matchmaker.

The Maya built their civilization on ideas they inherited from the __________________ who lived in the jungle areas on the east coast of Mexico.

According to Mayan beliefs, only ______________________ could explain divine signs from the gods.

List in order of importance the different groups on the Mayan social pyramid and their functions in society.
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Tuesday What?
A gift of an animal or human for slaughter to honor the gods.

A pyramid shaped social structure with layers representing social classes of rank

Writing that uses pictures as symbols.

A large plaza in a city center surrounded by temples and palaces, where religious rituals and other pubic ceremonies took place.

A set of actions that is always performed in the same way as part of a religious ceremony.

A sacred ball game where the losers are often sacrificed to the gods.

Name and describe three methods that the Maya would use to prepare their land for agriculture.

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Respuesta :


                                                   Monday what

1) Olmecs

2) Halach Uinik

3) Olmecs

4) priests

3)   1: top! Halach uinic. This was a hereditary position. It was passed down from father to son only. His powers were wide. he was almost an absolute ruler.

     2: Batabs. They were all chosen from the noble class so this post was also hereditary. they were to see it to it that the laws, taxes, and policies were enforced.

     3: Priesthood. Usually though the astronomers and astrologers and mathematicians were from this.

     4: Polms.  The merchants and traders. They were often used and suspected of being spies who carried info from one city to another.

    5: bottom! Peasants. majority of mayas were farmers they grew corn, beans and squash. mean cultivated while women made food. paid taxes in food and helped build temples.

                                            Tuesday what

1)  present

2) Social Pyramid

3) Egyptian hieroglyphs

4) Architecture

5) ritual

6) Death ball

7)     1: Raised field

The Mayas used this method to farm areas of land that otherwise would have been too wet to use. Small canals were created by digging out soil from beneath the water and piling up to create small islands. Maya farmers could then grow crops on these islands while they harvested the fish that swam in the canals.

      2: Terrace farming

This is where walls are built to make small flat fields one on top of the other. It was useful for increasing the amount of farmland in mountain areas. Most terraces were small, but in some parts of the Maya lowlands, they dramatically transformed entire regions!

     3: Slash and burn

Also known as ‘shifting’, this is when jungle areas are chopped down and burnt. The ash is high in nutrients, so it was perfect for growing crops. However, within a few years, the nutrients would be used up and the farmers would have to move elsewhere to let the forest regrow.

I spent almost 30 minutes on this.... i hope this helps! Please mark brainliest! :P